Darmowe naklejki?

Jak zdobyć kasę na darmowe naklejki
Przegladajac poczte wpadlem na taki pomysl na darmowe naklejki! 
Poniewaz co jakis czas pojawiaja sie jakies akcje promocyjne takie jak opisane ponizej,
mozemy poprzez branie w nich udzialu, sponsorowac sobie naklejki za darmo albo prawie za darmo.
Znalazlem na chwile obecna 2 takie oferty, a jezeli znajde nastepny to je dodam tutaj. Bardzo jednak prosze, zebysmy wszystko omowili na Telegramie lub w realu zanim zaczniemy taka akcje. Wtedy bede mogl podac szczegoly i o wiele lepiej wyjasnic zasady dzialania. Tak wiec nie zakladajcie kont od razu po przeczytaniu tego posta, tylko omowmy to na Telegramie. No to lecimy!

  1. PayPal
    Jezeli jeszcze nie masz konta PayPal to mozesz wziasc udzial w tej akcji promocyjnej i otrzymac od PayPal £10. Jedyne co musisz zrobic to:
  • zalozyc konto z tego linku – https://py.pl/JGIm5
  • zweryfikowac numer telefonu (uprzednio dodany do konta PP)
  • zaplacic min. £5 za zakupy (na przyklad na eBay lub innej stronie obslugujacej PayPal)
    – tu mam taki pomysł, że można na przyklad zakupić sobie polskie flagi – sam sobie taką właśnie kupiłem 🙂 
  • jeżeli spełniliśmy warunki promocji, to po około 2 tygodniach, na nasze konto PayPal powinnien dodać £10.00
Wniosek taki, ze wydajac £5.50, w tym przypadku, macie flage, £4.50 na konto PayPal (po odliczeniu zakupu flagi) i ja za polecenie dostaje £10, ktore moge przeznaczyc na zakup papieru naklejkowego! Sumujac – flaga za free, naklejki za free i jeszcze £4.50

Poniżej T&C tego programu w języku angielskim:

*Inviting Friends and Earning Referral Reward Terms & Conditions

By participating in PayPal’s “Invite Friends” offer (the “Programme”), you agree to the following terms and conditions (“Terms”). The Programme allows you to invite people you know to sign up for a UK account with PayPal.
You could earn a Reward (defined below) when you invite friends and family to join PayPal through the Programme and they complete an Eligible Transaction (defined below). Under these Terms, if you are the person inviting people to join PayPal you are a “referrer”, and if you are a person who receives such invitation, you are a “referee.”

Offer Period: The Programme starts on 25 May 2021 at 12.00am GMT and ends on 25 May 2022 at 11.59pm GMT time (the “Offer Period”).

Eligibility and overview: To be an eligible participant (an “Eligible Participant”), each referrer and referee must: (1) be eighteen (18) years of age or older; (2) be a resident in the UK; (3) have a UK personal PayPal account or premier PayPal account in good standing (a “Valid Account”) during the Offer Period; and (4) receive an authorised invitation to participate in the Programme (eligibility for/those who receive such invitation will be determined solely by PayPal). The Programme is limited to participants on a first-come, first-served basis. The referrer can claim a maximum reward of £50 GBP (fifty pounds) in the Offer Period for successfully referring 5 (five) referees that satisfy the “Reward Criteria” (defined below).

Reward Criteria: A referrer may refer a referee via the referral mechanism in the PayPal app or on PayPal.com. The referrer can claim a maximum reward of £50 GBP (fifty pounds) for a maximum of 5 (five) referees during the Offer Period that satisfy the following “Reward Criteria”: referees must (i) access and complete the PayPal sign up process; (ii) link his/her bank, credit card or debit card to their PayPal account; (iii) verify their mobile number linked to their PayPal account; and (iv) complete an Eligible Transaction (defined below).

Eligible Transaction: An “Eligible Transaction” means: (a) an online PayPal checkout payment of £5.00 GBP (five pounds) or more using the referee’s new PayPal account that is marked as ‘complete’ in the referee’s Valid Account; or (b) a person-to-person payment of £5.00 GBP (five pounds) or more using the “Send Money” feature within PayPal (sent to anyone other than the referrer) using the referee’s Valid Account that is marked as ‘received’ by the recipient. Transactions that have been cancelled, refunded, or reversed by either the referee, referrer, or the seller do not count as Eligible Transactions.

Reward: The reward amount is £10 GBP (ten pounds) (the “Reward”). During the Offer Period, there is a limit of one (1) Reward per referee Valid Account and five (5) Rewards per referrer Valid Account. If two or more referrers invite the same referee, PayPal will credit the Reward to the person who first clicked on their referral link and completed the Reward Criteria, as determined in PayPal’s sole discretion. The Reward should be added to the Eligible Participant’s Valid Account within two weeks of the referee satisfying the Reward Criteria.

Referrals: The referrer must only refer family and personal friends and acquaintances to the Programme and must obtain their prior consent before sending the referral. You must not publish or distribute the invitation to participate in the Programme that you received from PayPal in public locations (online or otherwise) where the audience is likely to include people who are not your family or personal friends/acquaintances. You may not refer yourself to the Programme. If you do so, PayPal may disqualify you from participation in the Programme and any successful referrals will be void, in PayPal’s sole discretion.

Receiving and using Reward: PayPal reserves the right to limit, cancel, or revoke a Reward if PayPal determines, in its sole discretion, that you have violated these Terms or if we restrict or close your PayPal account pursuant to our User Agreement. PayPal may provide an alternate reward of equal value if it is unable for any reason to fulfil the Reward. PayPal is not responsible and/or liable if any e-mail, reward, referrals, or Programme-related materials or correspondence are lost, fraudulent, abusive, stolen, late, incomplete, illegible, interrupted, delayed, altered, defective, misdirected, tampered with, or irregular in any way or if any Eligible Participant’s e-mail address, Valid Account, or other contact information does not work, is deleted, or is changed without you giving prior written notice to PayPal. PayPal reserves the right to review any account or transaction related to this Programme, in its sole discretion, without notice, and delay completion of the Reward. Programme is void where prohibited or if Eligible Participant’s account or transaction are fraudulent, abusive, not completed through legitimate channels, or irregular in any way.

Governing law and jurisdiction These Terms are governed by English law. By participating in the Programme, you agree to be bound by these Terms and our User Agreement. Questions relating to the Programme will be resolved in PayPal’s sole discretion and its decisions related to the Programme will be final and binding.

Promoter: the promoter of this Programme is PayPal Pte. Ltd, a Singaporean company registered under number 200509725E and with a registered address of 5 Temasek Boulevard, #09-01 Suntec Tower Five, Singapore 038985.

W Revolut trwa kampania reklamowa, w ktorej za polecenie nowego klienta, ktory spelni wymagania, dostaje sie £40. I teraz, jakie to sa wymagania? Po kolei:

– zalozyc konto z tego linka: https://official-voice.uk/revolut
– zamowic karte fizyczna do platnosci (prawdopodobnie bedzie to darmowa MasterCard). Po przetestowaniu tej opcji zaktualizuje wpis jezeli bedzie inaczej.
– dokonac trzech transakcji przy uzyciu karty Revolut (mozna w aplikacji wygenerowac virtualna karte zanim przyjdzie fizyczna i tejze uzyc), kazda o wysokosci min. £5 (czyli w sumie £15 i juz mam pomysl jak zrobic by bylo podobnie jak w przypadku PayPal, zero kosztow wlasnych :)) 
– wszystkie te dzialania nalezy wykonac przed 24 Sierpnia 2021 do godz. 23.59

Ponizej oryginalne wymagania w jezyku angielskim. Poniewaz zostalo malo czasu mozemy nie zdazyc i byc moze warto poczekac na kolejna promocje. 


What do my friends need to do?

  1. Create a Revolut account using your unique referral link – What do my friends need to do?
    1. Create a Revolut account using your unique referral link – https://official-voice.uk/revolut
    2. Verify their identity and pass our Know Your Customer (KYC) checks
    3. Add money by connecting their bank account or debit card
    4. Order a physical Revolut card (delivery fees may apply)
    5. Complete 3 purchase transactions with their new Revolut card (this can be through a virtual card while they wait for their physical one) of at least £5 each
    6. All before the promotion ends on 24 August 2021 11:59 PM GMT

By Jurek R1a

Freelancer, ochroniarz, wolnosciowiec, milosnik natury
