Your Survival Kit List: stock one or more items from each category

Your Survival Kit List: stock one or more items from each category

shelterShelter: If you anticipate to shelter outdoors, pack one or more of these: a tent, bothy bag, waterproof tarpaulin, all-weather blanket or bivi bag. Sleeping bags, foil blankets and ponchos are useful in outdoor as well as urban situations.
                                       Survival Kit List - Shelter -  blizzard blanket - passionate about Emergency Preparednes                                      Bivi Bag – a compact waterproof survival bag Bothy Bag – tent-like temporary shelter Foil Blanket – heat-reflecting and waterproofTarp – use as a ground-sheet, canopy, blanketSleeping Bag – if you have the spaceTent – if space allows      


toolsMulti-Tool – use for cutting, sawing and repairsKnife – sharp blade for cutting Saw – wood saw will also cut most plasticsCrowbar – force open jammed doors and windowsAxe – chopping woodMini Shovel – digging and building
foodFood: add enough long-life, ready-to-eat food for each person to last a minimum of three days; ideally up to seven to ten days. You can store canned food, long life processed meals or specialist emergency survival rations (also see Food for Survival)
MREs – sealed ready to eat mealsSurvival Rations – long life survival biscuitsEnergy Tablets – sweets or dextrose tabsRation Heaters – instantly heat your mre
fire startingMatches – weather-proof type to light tinderLighter – a windproof version for outdoorsTinder – to help you start a fire in all conditionsCandles – start a fire or use as a light sourceFlint – and striker for sparks in any weather
waterWater: Have drinking water ready for immediate access, at least 1.5 litres per adult per day. Even when sheltering indoors the water mains could become disrupted. This can be in the form of standard water bottles or long-life emergency water rations.
Water Purification Tablets to treat suspect waterPurification Straw will purify water from streams Filtration Bottle treat almost any waterWater Storage – a bottle, bag or camp showerWater – carry for immediate use
lightLight: a good torch that uses LEDs instead of a bulb is best for most emergency situations. A head-torch will provide personal light while leaving your hands free to complete your tasks. Don’t forget spare batteries or choose wind-up technology.
Head Torch – for hands-free activityHand Torch – lighting and signallingLight Sticks – single use safety glow sticksBackup Torch – a micro torch or pen torch
heating cookingHexi Stove – solid fuel micro stove & tabletsMess Tins – cook and heat water on campfireAluminium Foil – for the minimalistCan Opener – always usefulSpoon – multi-use implementFuel – depending on your stove choiceSolid Fuel Kettle – when space allows
first aidFirst Aid: The type and extent of the first aid kit you pack is dependent on your level of proficiency and training. A universal first aid kit with the addition of burns dressings should suffice for basic purposes.

First Aid Kit – treat injuries and ailmentsSAM Splint – immobilise limbs, improvised tool Burns Dressings – soothes and protects burnsSuction Pump – removes venom from stingsHaemostatic Powder – to stop dangerous bleedingWound Closures – adhesive plasters for woundsInsect Protection – repellent, covers & relief Sun Protection – sun screen
repairDuct Tape – or gaffa; fixes (almost) anythingCable Ties – use to bind and repairUtility Cord – nylon paracord or general purpose Fishing Line – for fishing and repairBrass or Steel Wire – snares and repairsSewing Needle – and thread
powerBatteries – AA or AAA alkaline batteries Lithium Batteries – AA sizefor extreme coldEmergency Charger – for mobile phonesSolar Charger – charge batteries or devices directly 
signalling  navigationCompass – for navigationBeacon – flashing waterproof light for signallingWhistle – pea-less design that doesn’t freezeMirror – specialized signal mirror or camping mirrorOrange Blanket – warmth and signallingSatellite Comms Device – tracker or sat phone
commsRadio – listen to broadcasts during power cuts Walkie-Talkie – independent communication Satellite Phone – voice, message and location

Disaster Bug Out Survival Kit Wheeled

By Jurek R1a

Freelancer, ochroniarz, wolnosciowiec, milosnik natury
