Sunday 11th July

On Sunday 11th July there are both the Wimbledon and Euro 2021 finals happening. There’s are the biggest examples of covid status certifications where people are mandated to prove that they have participated in a test or received the vaccine to attend. This is COERCION. It takes away peoples ability to give free consent.

The Government have said they won’t be mandating these domestic passports however they are allowing organisations to implement their own system and the likes of the Premier League have already said they will.

So we need to go and make a stand for Medical Freedom. If you can come then come to one, or both!

Also email your MP regarding the Medical Freedom Bill which if passed would make it illegal for any company to use covid status certifications. This keeps up the pressure from all angles – saveourrights.uk/medical-freedom-bill

By Jurek R1a

Freelancer, ochroniarz, wolnosciowiec, milosnik natury
