Message to all NHS staff!

🔥ATTENTION all NHS staff:

From Lawyers for Liberty – please share! (Copy/paste the text or just the link will share. TIA 😊)


“I am working as a full time researcher with the covid 19 assembly team of barristers & lawyers & also for HART org.

The cv19 assembly is offering free legal advice & anonymous ( if needed ) whistleblowing support to all healthcare workers who are still “too scared” to come forward: if you are in contact with any NHS / HCA staff who feel this way still PLEASE PLEASE tell them to whistleblow NOW!!

We are already serving legal Notices of Liability to ALL NHS Trusts, hospitals in the UK, paramedics, school trusts , Doctors/GP surgeries , NHS CCG , etc etc.

These Notices of Liability are being served on people in their PERSONAL capacity as individuals.

Those who have not spoken out in the immediate future will all be held PERSONALLY liable and tried for crimes against humanity & child genocide in both domestic and international criminal courts. 😐😑

Time is not on their side now – they have maybe 2 weeks tops if they to come forward now or they will be considered to be complicit.

I can’t impress this strongly enough.

They need to find courage & fast .

PLEASE do share!

It’s really important otherwise they will be considered complicit in crimes against humanity and genocide. 💔

Notices of Liability have been going out for the last 3 weeks already.

We’re aiming to cover the whole of the UK

People can whistleblow by going to:

By Jurek R1a

Freelancer, ochroniarz, wolnosciowiec, milosnik natury
