COVID FRAUD – Big lawsuits to start in next few weeks against WHO, WEF, CDC, PHE and World Leaders for ‘Crimes against Humanity’
Since early 2020 much of the western world has been subjected to one of the greatest frauds ever committed against humanity, an alleged pandemic of a new coronavirus which authorities…
Run-On Banks has Started. The Most Important Announcement to date.
For Mortgage / Debt / Loans / Elimination email Mark – Visit his Website:
Nawet 100 razy więcej nadajników 5G w porównaniu z 3G/4G/LTE!
Analysis of test sticks from surface testing in Slovak Republic – confirmation of genocide!
The analysis was performed in the months November 2020 to March 2021 on test sticks in sets. SD Biosensor, Abbott and Nadal in an unnamed hospital laboratory from Bratislava, Slovakia.…
Learn more, why vaccines aren’t safe or effective!
The UK Freedom Alliance, Someone wonderful has put together this list of resources. Anyone who wants to learn more about why vaccines are not safe nor effective, check out these…
London demonstration against vaxxination, child trafficking and tyranny! For yours freedom and ours!
#FREEDOM LONDON 24.04.2021 Early estimated 750 thousands free people gathered in Hyde Park last Saturday, 24.04.2021 to show unity and solidarity against covid lies, vacation, masks, child trafficking… Wonderful experience,…
Ceremonia otwarcia Olimpiady 2012 w Londynie – zapowiedź Covid-19?
Wielu twierdzi, że to kolejna teoria spiskowa ale czy dzisiaj, kiedy możemy już zweryfikować co jest teorią a co nie, czy dalej można uważać to za teorię spiskową czy raczej…
Muzyka dla ciała i ducha ❤
Czasami trzeba się zrelaksować, oderwać od tego wszystkiego, od obłudnej i zakłamanej rzeczywistości. Potrzeba dać odpocząć ciału i duszy od ciągłej walki o nasze prawa, o wolności i swobody. Trzeba…